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This section gives a quick visual indication on whether or not there is beam in the hutch. If any of the two indicators are red, you won't have beam on the sample. This is also indicated by the absence of the red line symbolizing the beam in the beamline sketch of the BCS Main Window:
- Beam Dumped: This queries whether or not there is light on the monochromator. Red means no light, green means beam on. The status depends on the current on I Mono In. It can happen that this value is below a threshold value if the storage ring runs at a reduced current. If this is the case, the system 'thinks' you have no beam and won't allow you to do any tuning, although there might be sufficient beam on the mono. Call the beamline staff if you suspect that this is the case.
- Shutter Status: This queries the status of PSS201, i.e. the main shutter inside the shield wall. Red indicates the shutter to be closed (no beam). You can open it in the beamline's EPS system. If it doesn't respond to this, please call beamline staff.